10 Tips to Make an Exquisite Dating Profile

In a crowded sea of hundreds of females on the dating site, how will you make your profile stand out from the rest? 

  1. Think Minimalism. No one wants to sift through a ton of images. Just post 4-5 pics. At your best. In various outfits. Solid colors work best. 
  2. Keep your About Me page brief and concise. Who wants to sift through mile long paragraphs? NOT.
  3. Avoid cliche phrases: ie: “I like to laugh.”; “Long walks on the beach.” Duh! Who doesn’t?!
  4. Set a positive tone. Focus on joy, dreams and passions; expand on the type of life you are seeking. 
  5. Don’t post a list of demands or must haves. Hello. High Maintenance!
  6. Celebrate your strengths, hobbies; favorite activities; talent. Provide an inside peek. Not a tell-all. 
  7. Refrain from posting group shots. All eyes on you!
  8. Don’t hide. Guys are wary of women posting only images from the waist up. Be sure to include: a face shot; full body; 3/4 shot and full smile pic. Show off your pearly whites!
  9. Go easy on the filters. Again. Keep it real. No Snap Chat dog ears or snouts. Are you twelve?!
  10. Keep it classy. Avoid posting a “Hard Sell” image or flashing a lot of skin. Hello? Desperate. The world does not need to see cleavage spilling pics of tacky images of you wearing ripped jean shorts with your butt cheeks hanging out. Leave a little mystery.
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 I am your online girlfriend, BFF, and go-to shoulder to cry on. On this blog, I will be talking about everything and anything under the sun when it comes to being a fun, fearless, and amazing woman in this modern world. With my professional background in coaching and counseling, you can count on me to be here when you need a listening ear, great advice for many of life’s challenges, and just a great place to enjoy being a woman. 

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